WebDriver-SpecFlow-API-SQL-Quiz Welcome to your Quiz. This will cover topics on: SQL Server SQL C# Selenium C# SpecFlow REST API You will have 35 minutes to complete 25 questions. Please do not close your web browser until you have finished. Please do NOT click that top 'Next' button as that will take you to another quiz. Only use bottom page buttons! If the time runs out, your answers will be automatically sent and the quiz finished. After the quiz, you will be emailed your results (please check your spam folder). Please enter your name & email address and GOOD LUCK! Name Email 1. What are the 3 main 'flavours' of Selenium? Selenium, WebDriver, SpecFlow WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Selenium Server Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, Cypress Selenium Java, Selenium C#, Selenium Server None 2. What type of WebDriver Wait is this: driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); Implicit Explicit None 3. BDD best practice, what is the recommended number of steps for a Scenario? 1-3 5-20 3-5 >20 None 4. What 'By' Methods does WebDriver support for idetifying elements by their text? Tick 2 that apply LinkText Text PartialLinkText PartialText TagName 5. CSS, what is the '#' character shorthand for? html id html name class None 6. In SpecFlow, in a Feature File, when does the 'Background' step get executed? Only once, before any Scenarios are executed After all Scenarios are completed Before each Scenario in the Feature file Only before the next Scenario that follows it None 7. What is the period '.' short-hand for in CSS? class id name html tag None 8. In C# which of these are Primitive Data Types (tick all that apply) int single bool char float 9. In SpecFlow Gherkin, if we define a @Tag at the Feature level, what does this imply? The Tag will be inherited by every Sceanrio in the Feature The Tag is ignored Only the Feature will execute, not the Sceanrios None 10. In SpecFlow Gherkin, what symbol denotes a comment @ -- // # None 11. In the SQL below, what type of JOIN are we using? <strong>SELECT</strong> Name, SaleAmount FROM EdgeSales.dbo.Employees AS e JOIN EdgeSales.dbo.Sales AS s ON e.EmployeeId = s.EmployeeId OUTER FULL INNER LEFT RIGHT None 12. How can we force execution order for Tests using NUnit? (n = number) [Test, Order(n)] [Test, Queue(n)] [Test(n)] [Test, Order=n] None 13. In a WebDriver Page Object Class, what would be the correct element identification syntax: public IWebElement ShopLink => driver.FindElement (By.LinkText ("Shop")) public WebElement ShopLink => driver.FindElement (By.LinkText ("Shop")) public IWebElement ShopLink => FindElement (By.LinkText ("Shop")) public IWebElement ShopLink = driver.FindElement (By.LinkText ("Shop")) None 14. What does the acronym POM stand for in WebDriver? Page Of Modelled elements Pages of Managed Objects Page Object Model Plain Old Models None 15. What types of Test Cases are most suitable for test Automation? Tick 4 that apply Regression Tests Repeated Tests Complicated tests that span several applications Simple Tests that are manually laborious Tests that are repeated many times, and each time with different test data Usability tests 16. Selenium WebDriver is available in which language bindings? select all that apply Java C# JavaScript Ruby Python 17. In C#, what is a Class 'Constructor' The outline definition of the Class itself A 'Property' of the Class A Class 'Field' that gets accessed statically A 'Method' that gets invoked automatically when the class is instantiated None 18. What types of data does REST API support? Select 5 that apply JSON XML Text YAML C# HTML SOAP 19. In SQL how do we filter by NULL values? WHERE phone = NULL; WHERE phone NULL; WHERE phone = NULL*; WHERE phone IS NULL; None 20. In C#, what is true of a 'Static' Class? Select 2 that apply There is no difference between a Static Class and a normal Class A Static Class cannot be Instantiated A Static Class can only have Static Members A Static Class cannot have any Fields as members 21. Which of these are valid C# comment markers? Tick 3 that apply // /// # /* */ -- 22. If a member field has the 'private' access specifier, where can it be accessed from? Example: Class MyApp { private int X; private int Y; ... } Anywhere in the Application Anywhere in the Namespace Only in functions within the same Class Only in new instances of the Class None 23. If a Web Server returns a response code of '401' what does this imply? Forbidden Success OK Not Found Unauthorized Service unavailable None 24. Using a REST API Request, how do we update an existing resource? PUT POST DELETE GET CHANGE VIEW None 25. In SQL if I wanted to match any of the below values, what expression could I use? Tick 3 that apply HOTHATHIT LIKE 'H#T' LIKE 'H%' LIKE 'H_T' LIKE 'H[OAI]T' LIKE 'H^OAIT' PreviousNextNext Time's up By Tom Millichamp|2024-02-20T09:38:00+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Comments Off on WebDriver-SpecFlow-API-SQL-Quiz Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInPinterestVk About the Author: Tom Millichamp Tom has been involved in automated software testing for over 20 years, both as a trainer and consultant. He is both an HP/Microfocus & Ranorex certified trainer.