WebDriver Java, UFT, Cypress Quiz 00:35:00 Welcome to your Quiz, this will include questions on: Selenium Java Java Programming General Testing UFT Cypress You will have 35 minutes to complete 25 questions. Please do not close your web browser until you have finished. Please do NOT click the top 'Next' button as that will take you to another quiz. Just use bottom page buttons! If the time runs out, your answers will be automatically sent and the quiz finished (Please check your spam folder if you don't receive it promptly). After the quiz, you will be emailed your results. Please enter your name & email address and GOOD LUCK!! Name Email 1. What is usally contained in the 'Fixtures' folder in the Cypress directory structure? Test Data Custom Commands WebDriver Hooks Global Hooks None 2. How can we force execution order for Tests using JUnit? (n = number) @Order(n) @n @Run(n) @(n) None 3. What type of Selenium Wait is this: driver.manage().timeouts() .implicitlyWait(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); Implicit Explicit None 4. When you install Cypress, what components are included? Tick 3 that apply Cypress Cucumber JUnit Mocha Chai 5. In JUnit, what annotation defines a Test Case? @Before @TestCase @Test @Scenario None 6. What are the 3 main applications in the Selenium development project? Selenium, WebDriver, Cypress WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Selenium Server Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, Cypress Selenium Java, Selenium C#, Selenium Server None 7. What does the acronym POM stand for in WebDriver? Page Of Modelled elements Pages of Managed Objects Page Object Model Plain Old Models None 8. When executing Cypress tests from the command line, which is the correct parameter config to run Chrome in Headed mode npx cypress run --browser --chrome npx cypress run -headed -browser chrome npx cypress run --gui --browser --chrome npx cypress run --headed --browser chrome None 9. Selenium WebDriver is available in which language bindings? select all that apply Java C# JavaScript Ruby Python 10. In WebDriver, the PageFactory Class allows simple element identification annotations, which of these is the correct syntax: @FindBy (linkText="Login") WebElement loginLink; @Find (linkText="Login") WebElement loginLink; @By (linkText="Login") WebElement loginLink; @FindBy (linkText="Login") loginLink; None 11. What types of Test Cases are most suitable for test Automation? Tick 4 that apply Regression Tests Repeated Tests Complicated tests that span several applications Simple Tests that are manually laborious Tests that are repeated many times, and each time with different test data Usability tests 12. In Java, what is a Class 'Constructor' The outline definition of the Class itself A 'Property' of the Class A Class 'Field' that gets accessed statically A 'Method' that gets invoked automatically when the class is instantiated None 13. In Cypress/Mocha, what annotation is used to define a Test Suite? describe it Scenario Feature Suite None 14. CSS, what is the '#' character shorthand for? html id class html name None 15. In WebDriver, how do you capture the text of an input element .getAttribute("text") .getAttribute("value") .getText() .text() None 16. In UFT, the 'Local Object Repository' stores objects at what level? The Test Level The Global Level The Action Level None 17. In UFT, what is the Object Repository Manager used for? Managing Local Repositories Managing Shared Object Repositories Creating Local Object Repositories Spying on Objects None 18. Which of these GUI Checkpoints exist in UFT? Tick 4 that apply Standard Checkpoint Bitmap Checkpoint HTML Checkpoint Button Checkpoint Text Checkpoint Database Checkpoint 19. To install Cypress we use 'npm' what is npm? node package manager nunit package manager node packet manager nunit policy manager None 20. UFT provides the following types of Actions, tick all that are valid Looped Reusable Nested Linked Non-reusable External 21. In UFT, what is the 'Add-ins Manager' used for? 3rd Party Plug-ins for UFT Extra Reporting Tools for UFT To load support for particular technologies that your application may be deveoped in To provide Keyword Testing None 22. What is 'Smoke Testing' Testing full code coverage of the application Testing all your business critical functionality in the application Testing a subset of critical functionality tests to ensure the application is in a state for further testing Performance Testing None 23. In CSS, what is the '.' (period/dot) used to match? class html id html name root path to an element None 24. What Browsers does Cypress support? Tick all that apply Chrome Safari Electron Firefox Chromium Internet Explorer Edge (Chromium based version) 25. In JUnit 5, what does the '@BeforeEach' Hook denote? It will execute before each @Test It will execute before each Method It will execute before any tests are executed It will execute before each @TestCase None PreviousNextNext By Tom Millichamp|2022-09-21T11:27:59+00:00August 25th, 2022|Comments Off on WebDriver Java, UFT, Cypress Quiz Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInPinterestVk About the Author: Tom Millichamp Tom has been involved in automated software testing for over 20 years, both as a trainer and consultant. He is both an HP/Microfocus & Ranorex certified trainer.